As the new buying season approaches, this is a very good time to reconsider your customers and their shopping habits. Remember the advantage you have over online shopping is your ability to offer an experience. Using what you learn, consider how you might buy merchandise, promote your buy, and create experiences in-store targeted to your store’s customer profiles.
The following are several typical retail customer archetypes: The Savvy Shopper is price conscious. She is looking for high quality at budget prices. She is generally motivated to shop in response to a need. This customer will comparison shop, look for sales and use coupons, loyalty points, etc. Be a Savvy Buyer to support this shopper by offering a loyalty program, meeting the lowest advertised price (if possible) and setting aside some open-to-buy for key promotional items in your store. Examples of promo purchases are Buy One Get One, or T-shirts $12 each or 2 for $20. The Practical Purchaser knows what she wants and will go to great lengths to find and purchase it. She is not particularly price conscious or brand loyal. She shops only when she has a particular need and will often research before purchasing. Support this shopper by positioning yourself as an information leader. Use a blog or social media to provide valuable information about your products. In-store employ educated sales staff and use informational signage to educate the customer. The Explorer is all about discovery. She shops frequently and enjoys browsing for something unexpected. She can be cost sensitive or value conscious, but she is generally not brand loyal. Create an in-store experience that leads the customer to discovery. Choose a fixture floor plan that drives pathways to destination fixtures. Merchandise these fixtures with interesting new items in the sweet spot (eye level). Display only a few of this item so it looks limited and special. Add some signage with a quirky story and the explorer will feel she has found a treasure. The Stylish Influencer is a trendsetter and respected fashion leader. She shops frequently and wants the newest products. Communicate with this shopper often. Let her know when you have something new. Create opportunities and rewards for her when she sells your product to her followers. Social media is an excellent way to engage her pre-store, in-store and post-store. ONO offers several tools to help you understand your store, your customer and the experience you offer starting at $99. Contact us today. [email protected]
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